How to hang outdoor Christmas lights safely and securely

Whether you have been hanging the Christmas lights outside for years or this is your first attempt, the time is nearly here to get festive. Follow our easy tips to get those lights up and before you know it you will be brightening up everyone’s evening and getting into the Christmas spirit.

Start on the ground

Your first step should be to visualise and design your display. Decide where you want the lights to go – for example, you could drape them over the eaves and along the guttering; you could also include any trees or bushes that are adjacent to your property. Your second step is to measure things out so that you get the correct length of lights. You can do this by measuring along the ground. If you are including any trees or bushes, be sure to measure their height off the ground as well. Armed with those measurements you are now ready to purchase some lights!

Getting the right lights

Make sure that the lights you buy are suitable for outdoor use. Draped lights offer maximum visual impact with minimum fuss and are particularly suitable for trees or bushes. Secure them by placing them far enough onto branches to avoid them blowing away in the wind, but not too far in that you lose the light effect when they are turned on.

You will also need to ensure you have a suitable weatherproof outdoor plug for them. While it is possible to plug them inside the house, you will need to make sure the cable is thin enough to pass through the window or door without compromising on the ability to close and secure it. If you are using a timer, again, make sure it is suitable for outdoor rather than indoor use.

Testing, testing…

Before you even think about getting the ladder out, test the lights. The last thing you want to do is find that you have spent a couple of hours stringing them up and you have some blown or faulty bulbs. While you’re at it, check for any frayed cables or faulty wires as well.

Putting them up

Don’t wait until the last minute or you could end up trying to set them up in the rain or dark. Pick a dry day, preferably with light winds. Set up your ladder securely – get someone to spot you if possible too – and once you are up you can get started on laying out your lights. Make sure you have plenty of plastic clips to secure them and apply them at short, regular intervals. Keep some handy for the cord that feeds down into the plug too, you don’t want that flying around in the wind.

While this is still a way away, don’t neglect taking the lights down after the holidays. Avoiding long-term exposure and storing them properly in their original containers will keep them in good working order for many years to come.

From everyone in our Roof Rescue team we wish you a very happy Christmas. Remember that we are here whenever you need us whether it is a roofing emergency or routine maintenance and repair. All you need to do is call us on 020 3189 1618.

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